Jordi Nopca

Jordi Nopca

Jordi Nopca (Barcelona, 1983) is a journalist, writer and Catalan translator, current editor of the Ara newspaper and coordinator of Ara Llegim. Collaborate with La tribu de Catalunya Ràdio. He studied Journalism and Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature. Since 2006, he has published articles for Mondosonoro, Benzina, Sortim, Què Fem?, Go Mag and Time Out Barcelona. In 2012 he published his first novel, El talent, by Labreu Edicions. In 2013 he got the II Memorial Pere Rodeja award, awarded by the Gremi de Llibreters, for "offering readers a broad, innovative and complete view of the literary reality of our country" with their journalistic works. In 2014, Jordi Nopca won the 2014 Documenta prize with the compilation of stories Puja a casa (L’Altra Editorial, 2015).